Across its working areas, UCRT has five thematic programmes targeting vital issues that are fundamental to building equitable societies that can sustainably manage and benefit from their environments:
Community Land TenureThis programme helps local communities secure rights to own the communal land and resources they live and depend on, through conflict mediation and acquiring collective land titles (CVLs and CCROs)
GovernanceUCRT builds the capacity of local governance institutions and the communities they serve to understand their rights, role, and responsibilities. This programme also promotes the rights of women to take leadership positions and have their voices heard in decision-making processes. UCRT engages in advocacy and policy dialogue to help shape supportive conditions for sustainable community-based natural resource management.
Natural Resource Management UCRT works dually to support the rights and well-being of communities and the flora and fauna of northern Tanzania by helping communities adaptively improve and strengthen their management systems and practices. This is done by facilitating village formulation of land use plans and natural resource management bylaws and building community capacity to sustainable manage the rangelands across village borders.
Nature-Based LivelihoodsUnder this programme UCRT builds strategic partnerships with ethical investors and organisations skilled in nature-based enterprise development. Community benefits are then increased through building capacity to engage in natural resource-based enterprises, such as Eco-tourism and carbon project (i.e. easements). UCRT also supports the economic empowerment of women so that they are in a position within their households and communities to be stewards of their land and natural resources.
Social EmpowermentThrough Women Rights and Leadership Forums (WRLFs), women are supported to advocate for their rights to own, utilise, and benefit from land and property. For particularly marginalized groups, such as the Akie and Hadza hunter-gatherers, UCRT helps grow their capacity to represent and advocate for themselves by supporting the education of youth.
We approach the implementation of these thematic programmes in a broad and comprehensive way, which we believe has been key to our successes. We are committed to the principles of equity, participation and representation. We work only in areas where there is a strong commitment to confront challenging development issues on the part of the community and its elected and customary leadership. We ensure that participatory processes are truly participatory and do not merely involve a few village leaders or elites. We work hard to include all marginalized members of a community in order to gain a truly collective voice. We prioritize women’s empowerment and rights across thematic areas, and through our strategic partnership with other organisations such the Pastoral Women’s Council (PWC).
Laying the groundwork for truly participatory processes takes time and effort, but it is precisely this additional effort that is key to building a broad yet deep consensus among members of a community, thereby leading to sustainable outcomes and progressive societal change. If people are put first, their rights upheld, and self-advocacy strengthened, they can achieve truly transformational improvements in their communities, for society at large, and for the ecosystems which we all share.
Laying the groundwork for truly participatory processes takes time and effort, but it is precisely this additional effort that is key to building a broad yet deep consensus among members of a community, thereby leading to sustainable outcomes and progressive societal change. If people are put first, their rights upheld, and self-advocacy strengthened, they can achieve truly transformational improvements in their communities, for society at large, and for the ecosystems which we all share.
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