Women's Rights and Leadership Forums
Women’s Rights and Leadership Forums (WRLFs) have been established at village, ward and wider district scales to promote solidarity and engagement of women on local and regional land conflicts. These forums are provided with technical training on land policy, law and administration. The forums mobilize women and the wider community to:
WRLFs also address gender inequality through women’s economic empowerment. UCRT gives the forums both material help and trains them in how to develop themselves economically. For example, some women’s groups have been given goats or trained in soap making as a means of generating income. Women have been trained on record keeping and basic accounting skills. In Longido District the women’s leadership forums have embarked on their own fundraising for livelihood and microcredit projects.
- collectively address existing threats to their lands;
- demand accountable governance and participatory decision making by local elected leaders;
- ensure all community members’ views are taken into account in land management decisions.
WRLFs also address gender inequality through women’s economic empowerment. UCRT gives the forums both material help and trains them in how to develop themselves economically. For example, some women’s groups have been given goats or trained in soap making as a means of generating income. Women have been trained on record keeping and basic accounting skills. In Longido District the women’s leadership forums have embarked on their own fundraising for livelihood and microcredit projects.
Read about some of the community members impacted by our WRLFs below:
Watch this short film 'Strengthening Women's Rights: Empowering Communities' to learn more about the Forums or go to this series of pictures, quotes and anecdotes that will tell you more about these forums and the impact they are having in northern Tanzania.